Straight-A Student Dashboard
Alice Heiman
Practical implementation of Cal Newport's How To Become a Straight-A Student in Notion!
Want to study more efficiently and get better grades?
Based on insights from Straight-A students at top universities, this dashboard attempts to implement efficient study techniques in an easy-to-use Notion template.
What you'll get:
- Dashboard to organize your coursework.
- Study guide template.
- Note-taking template.
- 10 step-by-step study tricks used by straight-A students.
- Location database for storing memory palaces.
- + Bonus Zettelkasten Guide!
🪐 Usage:
When you have opened the Notion page, click the top-right button “Duplicate” and choose your workspace. The template should be in your workspace a few moments later! 🎉
See the YouTube video down below for detailed instructions on how to use and customise the template.
Notion Template
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